List of contributors
At present we don't have a complete list of PCP contributors, but many of them can be found among the subscribers of the PRNCYB-L mailing list. More detailed descriptions of the interests, addresses, etc. of these subscribers can be found in the (long) FTP-file with all PRNCYB-members. The following is meant to become an exhaustive list of "Home Pages" with the names, addresses and other information about all people having contributed to the project. New contributors are invited to add their own homepage to this list, by annotating this node. If you already have a home page on a different server, you can simply include its address and leave the text of your annotation empty. Otherwise, you can type in your coordinates and other useful info in the annotation text field.
Copyright© 1998 Principia Cybernetica -
Referencing this page
 Project Organization
 Contributing to the Principia Cybernetica Project
Bernheim, Jan Bollen, Johan Campbell, Donald T. de Rosnay, Joël Dewaele, Jean-Marc Edmonds, Bruce Geyer, Felix Glück, Robert Harrison, Paul Heylighen, Francis Joslyn, Cliff Mickulecky, Don Prideaux, Jeff Red'ko, Vladimir Riegler, Alex Rocha, Luis Sharov, Alexei Speel, Hans-Cees Turchin, Val Umerez, Jon Umpleby, Stuart