Principia Cybernetica Meetings

Photo: discussion at the 1st Principia Cybernetica Workshop (Brussels, June 1991); from left to right: Harry Bronitz, Gordon Pask (background), J.L. Elohim (foreground), Robert Glueck, Ranulph Glanville, Annemie Van Kerkhoven, Don McNeil, Elan Moritz, Cliff Joslyn, A. Comhaire, Valentin Turchin.
PCP regularly organizes conferences or meetings. Until now there have been :
- Symposium on "Cybernetics and Human Values"
- at the 8th World Congress of Systems and Cybernetics (New York, June 1990). Check the
Abstracts of papers that were presented.
- 1st Workshop of the Principia Cybernetica Project
- (Free University of Brussels, July 1991). Check the "Workbook" containing papers and abstracts.
- Symposium on "The Principia Cybernetica Project"
- at the 13th Int. Congress on Cybernetics (Namur, August 1992). Check for a
report or for the Abstracts of papers that were presented.
- Symposium on "Cybernetic Principles of Knowledge Development
- (chaired by F. Heylighen and Stuart Umpleby) at the 12th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (Vienna, April 1994). Check the
Call for Papers.
- Symposium on "The Evolution of Complexity
- at the "Einstein meets Magritte" conference ( Free University of Brussels, May/June 1995).
- Symposium on "Theories and Metaphors of Cyberspace"
- (chaired by F. Heylighen and Stuart Umpleby) at the 13th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (Vienna, April 1996).
- Symposium on "Memetics"
- (chaired by F. Heylighen and Mario Vaneechoutte) at the 15th Int. Congress on Cybernetics (Namur, August 1998).
- Special Session on "
Semiotics of Autonomous Information Systems"
- (chaired by Cliff Joslyn and Luis Rocha) at the 1998 Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics (ISAS98) (Gaithersburg, Maryland, September 1998)
- Workshop "From Intelligent Networks to the Global Brain"
- (Free University of Brussels, July 2001).
The meetings allow researchers potentially interested in contributing the Project to meet in a relaxed atmosphere. The emphasis is on discussion, rather than on formal presentation. Contributors are encouraged to read some of the available texts on the PCP in order to get acquainted with the main issues.
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Referencing this page
F. Heylighen,
Apr 12, 2001 (modified) Oct, 1991 (created)