Principia Cybernetica Web

Links and Link Types

Just as the node is the most general kind of entity in the Principia Cybernetica network, so a link is the most general form of relation among nodes. Each link is a non-reflexive relation from one specific node to another, and thus representable as a directed arc. Reflexive relations can be constructed from multiple non-reflexive links.

As with nodes, links come in a variety of types (though at present only one type is implemented). Examples of types of links include a variety of pragmatic categories, including: simple textual reference (e.g., looking up the definition of a word that is used in the definition of another); historical, bibliographical, and biographical reference; logical implication among concepts; and the historical development of a dialog among a group of authors.

Also included in link types are a variety of semantic categories, to aid in the process of semantic analysis describe in section semantic, including : instance-of; case-of; synonym-of; has-part; implies; negates; causes, or the logical flow of an argument for or against some position.

Heylighen has suggested a general scheme for the development of semantic relations in terms of fundamental logical and temporal distinctions.

See also: Joslyn C (1996).: Semantic Webs: A Cyberspatial Representational Form for Cybernetics, in: Cybernetics and Systems '96 R. Trappl (ed.), (Austrian Society for Cybernetics).

Copyright© 1995 Principia Cybernetica - Referencing this page

C. Joslyn, F. Heylighen,

Jun 29, 1995 (modified)
Jan, 1991 (created)


Project Organization

Collaborative Knowledge Development

Hypertext web as a semantic network

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