Study programs in cybernetics, systems and complexity
Programs in North America
- the University of Ottawa's
MSc in Systems Science Program
- the
education department of Concordia University, Montreal, offers Educational Technology MA /PH D programmes
with courses in Educational Cybernetics and systems philosophy applied to Education
- the State University in Portland, Oregon, offers a
Systems Science PhD Program
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- Systems Science at
Washington University
Systems Science and Industrial
Engineering Department at Binghamton University, led by G. Klir, offers MSc and PhD programs
Institute for Systems Research (ISR)at the Univ. of Maryland
The Institute for Integrative Studies at George Mason University, headed by John Warfield
- Research Program in Social and Organizational Learning at the School of Business and Public Management, George Washington University offers a
program in cybernetics and systems theory as part of its PhD program in management
MIT Advanced Study Program in System Dynamics for Distance Students.
- an extensive
list of systems dynamics courses around the world
- PhD or PostDoc Research with Principia Cybernetica, Los Alamos, NM
Program, University of California at Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Whole Systems Design
Program at Antioch University in Seattle, see also
Whole Systems Design .
education programs in complex systems sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute
Education at the New England Complex Systems Institute
Program for the Study of Complex Systems (U. of Michigan)
Center for Complex Systems (Florida Atlantic University) offers a Training Program in
Complex Systems and the Brain Sciences
Programs in Europe and rest of the world
- PhD or PostDoc Research with Principia Cybernetica (Brussels, Belgium)
Department of Medical Cybernetics and AI, University of Vienna, Vienna,
Institute for Systems Science - University of Linz, Austria
- Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris): Programs:
Sciences Cognitives, Economie des Institutions
CREA- Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie Appliquée at the Ecole Polytechnique; Programs: Sciences Cognitives, Economie des Institutions
- Université de Technologie de Compiègne: Program:
Sciences de l'Homme et Technologie;
Ingénierie des Systèmes et Organisations Economiques
at the university of Aix-en-Provence (Aix-Marseilles
Master programme in System Dynamics, University of Bergen, Norway.
Centre for Systems Studies, Univ. of Hull, UK
MSc in Systems Thinking, Univ. of Humberside. UK
Cybernetics at Bradford University, UK
- Department of Cybernetics at the University of Reading (UK) offers several
graduate and undergraduate courses
Estonian Institute of Cybernetics,
Masters Course in Technical Cybernetics at the Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)
MA in Research Psychology at the University of Pretoria, with emphasis on system thinking
Contact person: Prof.
Andre Fiedeldey. Email: fiedeld[at]
Master of Arts in Complexity, Chaos and Creativity, a web-based program at the School of Social Ecology and Lifelong Learning, University of
Western Sydney
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