Full membership is be open to qualified scientists, theorists of science, and philosophers who are in sympathy with the objectives of the Association.
Prof. Fritz Rohrlich, Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1130, USA.
Letters of acceptance will go out March 1st, 1998. These letters can then be used for applications to get local support.
Vice-President: Paul
Humphreys (USA): pwh2a@virginia.edu
Secretary: Diederik Aerts (Belgium): diraerts@vub.ac.be
Executive Committee :
All who wish to join AFOS should sent a short bio-sketch (not more than 150 words) to the Secretary of AFOS, Diederik AERTS (diraerts@vub.ac.be). The bio-sketch should contain both electronic and regular address for communication. It should also list those scientific activities (publications in particular) which prove that the candidate satisfies the requirements of the Constitution of AFOS. The candidates whose applications are accepted by the Executive Committee of the Association will be listed in the Directory of AFOS.
Only those candidates who have a direct electronic address can be accepted as FULL MEMBERS of the Association. People who do not have a direct access to interenet, but they can be reached electronically via a full member of AFOS who explicitly agrees to act as a go-in-between might apply for ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP.
subscribe afos end(subscription to the announcements list) or
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Specific questions about the mailing lists can be directed to Diederik Aerts (diraerts@vub.ac.be)
either in cheque to the above address or payment to the bank:
Bankers: ABN-AMRO, Dordrecht, Account Number:
FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE - DISCUSSION: ...................................5-18 Bas van Fraassen........A Philosophical Approach to Foundations of Science Patrick Suppes...........A Pluralistic View of Foundations of Science Arne Collen.............The Foundation of Science THE FOUNDATIONS OF STATISTICS: David Freedman.........Some Issues in the Foundations of Statistics....19-39 Comments by James Berger, E. L. Lehmann, Paul Holland, Clifford Clogg, Neil Henry.............................................41-67 David Freedman..........Rejoinder .....................................69-83 Diedrik Aerts and Sven Aerts......Applications of Quantum Statistics in Psychological Studies of Decision Processes..............85-97 Maria Carla Galavotti...Operationism, Probability and Quantum Mechanics ............................................................99-118 Paul Humphreys..........Computational Empiricism.....................119-130 VARIA: Joseph Agassi...........Blame Not the Laws of Nature.................131-154 *** Biographical Notes...................................................155-157 On AFOS (some history of the initiative and some recent developments)........................................159-160 Joseph Agassi.......Summary of AFOS Workshop, 1994...................161-166
Herbert Simon............Machine Discovery Wei-Min Shen.............The Process of Discovery Jan Zytkow...............A Survey of Automated Discovery
Susan Haack - Science is neither Sacred Nor a Confidence Trick.......323-335 Ryszard Wojcicki - Theories, Theoretical Models, Truth. Part I: Popperian and Non-Popperian Theories in Science......................337-406 Guliano Toraldo di Francia - Historical Truth........................407-416 Comments by Helena Eilstein, Jerzy Topolski..........................417-425 Guliano Toraldo di Francia - Answers to My Discussants...............427-428
VARIA: Gerhard Schurz - Scientific Explanation: a Critical Survey...........429-471 *** Limits of Science - Cracow, 1996.....................................473-475 Some facts on AFOS...................................................477-478
Ryszard Wojcicki - Theories, Theoretical Models, Truth. Part II: Tarski's THeory of Truth and its Relevance for the Theory of Science.483-528 Pawel Zeidler and Danuta Sobczynska - The idea of Realism in the new Experimentalism and the Problem of the Existence of Theoretical Entities in Chemistry....................................529-547 Comments by Ian Hacking..............................................549-554 VARIA: Glenn Shafer: The Situation of Causality.............................555-575 FOS 2:1
Mathematics Essential Tensions.
Guest editors: M. Heller (Vatican Observatory, V-00120, Vatican Sity State), J. Urbaniec (Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow). Main paper: Roman Duda "Mathematics: Essential Tensions"
Guest Editor: Matthias Kaiser (National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT), Norway) Contents: Matthias Kaiser: Introduction John Lemons, Kristin Shrader--Frechette and Carl Cranor: The Precautionary Principle: Scientific Uncertainty and Type I and Type II Errors Laura Westra Post-Normal Science, the Precautionary Principle and the Ethics of Integrity Philippe H. Martin ``If You Don't Know How to Fix It, Please Stop Breaking It!" The Precautionary Principle and Climate Change Sven Ove Hansson The Limits of Precaution Matthias Kaiser Fish--Farming and the Precautionary. Principle.
POPPERIAN FORUM Adam Grobler Popper's Switch from Justification to Critical Preferences Timothy Childers Popper on Naturalism and the Foundations of Methodology Noretta Koertge Popper's Contributions to our Understanding of Social Science Ryszard Wójcicki Popperian vs. Suppesian Theories Helena Eilstein Two Remarks
The School was sponsored by the following two Institutions of the Soros foundations network: The Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute and Stefan Batory Foundation.
Steering Committee of the School was:
Ryszard Wójcicki - Chair (Poland), Diderik Aerts (Belgium), Evandro Agazzi (Switzerland), Nancy Cartwright (UK), Maria Luiza Dalla Chiara (Italy), Irina Dobronravova (Ukraina), Gerald L. Eberlein (Germany), Leo Esakia (Georgia), Victor Finn (Russia), Adolf Grunbaum (USA), Stephan Hartmann (Germany), Peter Kolar (Czech Republik), Andrzej Lewenstam (Finland), Kestutis Masiulis (Lithuania), Wolfgang Spohn (Germany), Ronald P. Thompson (Canada), Tibor Vamos (Hungary), Paul Weingartner (Austria).
The program of the School consisted of the following
The Second
Summer School for Theory of Knowledge is planned to be held in the
same place {M\c adralin -- Warsaw} in the Second half of July 1998. For
more information contact the Organizers by e-mail: kschool@plearn.edu.pl
This Web page is provided on the Principia Cybernetica Web by the "Center Leo Apostel", a regional center of AFOS.