From: (Aerts Dirk) Subject: AFOS Newsletter 22 May 1997. To: Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 02:12:21 +0200 (DST) Mime-Version: 1.0 Sender: Precedence: bulk A F O S - N E W S L E T T E R 22 May 1997. ******************************************* Dear AFOS member, In this AFOS newsletter you will find new information about the AFOS www site, the information about the summer school on Theory of Knowledge that AFOS organizes this summer, some FOS matters, information about the formation of regional AFOS groups in Russia and China, and a letter of the president concerning the Bialowski panel. For any suggestions, remarks or questions concerning AFOS matters in general, and concerning particularly the content of this newsletter, you can send an e-mail to the secretary Diederik Aerts ( or to the president Ryszard Wojcicki ( Ryszard Wojcicki, Diederik Aerts and Paul Humphreys. 1. T H E A F O S W W W S I T E. ************************************ As you were told in the foregoing newsletter, AFOS has now a www site that is continuously being updated. The address of the AFOS www site is: We would like to invite all members of AFOS to send us suggestions about the content of this WWW site. In particular we would like to receive the information about links that we could make with AFOS related www pages, such that the AFOS WWW site can function as a continuously updated forum of information for our AFOS members and regional AFOS groups. Could we especially invite the chairpersons of the AFOS regional groups: (1) if they have their own www page, to send us this address such that pages can be linked to the AFOS main www site. (2) if they do not have their own www page, a special page could be constructed for them in Brussels. In this case the regional groups should send us the material, best already ordered and structured in such a way as it should be for the construction of their www page (compare to the structure of the main AFOS site). If the time is ready for it, this AFOS www site will eventually replace this news-letter. 2. S U M M E R S C H O O L O N T H E O R Y ************************************************ O F K N O W L E D G E. *********************** Warsaw - Madralin, 16-31 August 1997 ************************************ The First Summer School for Theory of Knowledge organized under auspices of AFOS and sponsored by the Higher Education Support Program of the Open Society Institute and Stefan Batory Foundation will be held in Warsaw in Warsaw-Madralin, 16 - 31 August this year. Steering Committee ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ryszard Wojcicki - Chair (Poland), Diedrik Aerts (Belgium), Evandro Agazzi (Switzerland), Nancy Cartwright (UK), Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (Italy), Irina Dobronravova (Ukraina), Gerald L. Eberlein (Germany), Leo Esakia (Georgia), Viktor Finn (Russia), Ado lf Grunbaum (USA), Stephan Hartmann (Germany), Peter Kolr (Czech Republic), Andrzej Lewenstam (Finland), Kestutis Masiulis (Lithuania), Wolfgang Spohn (Germany), Ronald P. Thompson (Canada), Tibor Vamos (Hungary), Paul Weingartner (Austria) Participation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Participation is open to Ph.D students and young scholars (up to 30 years old). Applications, addressed to Prof. Ryszard Wojcicki, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Nowy Swiat 72, 00-330 Warsaw, Poland, should be submitted by April 30. Application should contain: (1) a short CV, (2) a short description of the scientific interest of the applicant, (3) a list of publications, (4) one or two letters of recommendation, (5) statement of the financial support requested. Applicants are also invited to offer a contribution (30 min. lecture) to the program of the School. Full cost of participation (meal and lodging in a double room) is US$ 660. A limited number of grants from the Soros Foundation is available for candidates from Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Program ^^^^^^^ Lectures, seminars and discussions held at the School are intended to stimulate scientific cooperation between the scholars from the East and the West with a large participation of young people. The formula of the School presupposes the active participation of students in all the activities. Main courses: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Risto Hilpinen (USA): Belief Systems, Knowledge and Reasoning (20 hrs) Ryszard Wojcicki (Poland): Main Topics in the Theory of Knowledge (20 hrs) Noretta Koertge (USA) and Adam Grobler (Poland): The Fundamentals of Popperian Methodology (12 hrs) Jan Zytkow (USA): Automated Discovery Systems Perspective on Knowledge (6 hrs) Wolfgang Balzer (Germany): Structuralist Aspects of the Social Sciences (6 hrs) For more information contact See also 3. F O S. M A T T E R S *********************** All the four issues of the first volume of FOS have been published and they are available at Bookkeeping Dept. KLUWER Academic Publishers, Spuiboulevard 50, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. FOS 2:1(1997) "Mathematics -- Essential Tensions" (M. Heller and J. Urbaniec, guest eds.) should appear in June this year. 4. R E G I O N A L A F O S G R O U P S ****************************************** A) V. Vasyukov sends the news that the Russian Regional Group has been formed and is now active. Anyone interested in joining this group or in finding out more about their activities should contact the group at the e-mail address below. 1. The staff - 25 members. The Members of Regional Bureau are: V.S.Stepin (Chairman), Institute of Philosophy RAS V.K.Finn, Institute of Informatics RAS VT.Romanovskaya, Institute of Philosophy RAS V.L.Vasyukov, Institute of Philosophy RAS, e-mail: 2. Activities which have taken place in the last year: a) two AFOS meetings devoted to: - an election of the members of Regional Bureau; - discussion on the results of Florence Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. b) in the framework of International First Smirnov's Readings devoted to the memory of Chairman of AFOS Russian Regional Bureau Prof. V.A.Smirnov the section of Philosophy of Science was organized. 3. Activity in progress: a) an organization of the net of AFOS Russian subregional committees; b) FOS subscription activity. B) Dr Chang Yi-Fang announces that the Chinese Regional Group of AFOS was formed in Beijing on March 26 1997, under the direction of Professor Jin Wulun. This supplements the Yunnan University Synergetics Institute which is already a group member of AFOS. More details of the Chinese groups activities will be forthcoming in the next newsletter. 5. TWENTIETH WORLD CONGRESS OF PHILOSOPHY ***************************************** AFOS will be holding two sessions at the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, occurring in Boston (USA) between August 10 and August 16 1998. Members of AFOS, especially those from outside the U.S., are encouraged to submit papers for the AFOS section at the Congress. Papers should be in English, of no more than 2500 words, and accompanied by an abstract of about 100 words. The submissions may be on any topic consistent with the general aims of AFOS. Three (3) copies should be submitted by November 15 1997 to: Professor Fritz Rohrlich, Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1130, USA. Brief questions about the requirements may be submitted, if necessary, to Prof. Rohrlich at All papers will be refereed and authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 1 1998. Although AFOS is unable to provide financial support to participants, we shall provide a letter of acceptance for applications to funding agencies in the member's home country. General information about the World Congress of Philosophy (not about the AFOS sessions) can be found at the Web address: or from the American Organizing Committee, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA. fax (617) 353-5441. e- mail: 6. Letter of the President concerning the "Bialowski e-panel". ************************************************************ To all the participants of "Bialkowski e-panel" I am afraid the panel was a failure. I am very unhappy about it because my idea was to publish selected part of the discussion in Foundations of Science and set in this way a pattern of cooperation between the editors of the journal, its authors and its audience. I still believe that besides hard version of FOS, there should be an electronic forum related to the journal at which selected ideas, problems, recently published books etc., will be discussed in a preliminary form. If the outcomes of such discussion turns out to be of quite wide interest, some fragments might be exploited then as some initial materials for publication in FOS. The e-forum would then allow both the editors of FOS and the prospective guest-editors of the journal to experiment with various ideas of topics and problems to be covered by the journal. The discussions at e-forum of FOS may also be useful in discovering people who may provide some interesting contribution to a relevant topic issue of FOS. I wonder whether we should give up the idea to discuss Bialkowski's text or rather we should renew our discussion aiming toward publishing an issue devoted to the main topics of Bialkowski's text in 1998. After all the contributions of some of the participants of the discussion (Allan Franklin, Fritz Rohrlich, Diederik Aerts, Bill Wimsat, Jan Zytkow, to mention a few names at least) surely were of considerable interest and, if presented anew in a concise way, they may form an interesting introduction to the next round of the discussion. May I have your reaction to the above question. If there are sufficiently many people who are willing to participate in the next round of discussion, perhaps we should schedule it for October this year. Meantime the next issue of FOS (FOS 2:1 (1997)) will be published. It will contain Bialkowski's text (of course it will be available in an electronic form too) and short summary of the past discussion. Whether that summary will be the end of the discussion or rather the beginning of the next round depends on the reaction to this letter. Ryszard Wojcicki (