Principia Cybernetica Web

Meta-Cognitive Modelling

When we introduce concepts or models, their definition often requires more than the simple description of the world in terms of these concepts. It further requires an analysis of how we use a concept, how we happened to introduce it, how it could possibly be modified in order be more adequate, etc. Our reasoning in this process is metacognitive, a reasoning not about "the world as it is", but about the relation of our own knowledge to the world and to the goals we pursue.

The most efficient way to find or to construct a model which is adequate for the given problem is by reasoning on a metacognitive level, where a class of possible models can be analyzed and compared. This requires a metasystem transition with respect to the variety of individual models. Examples of metacognitive reasoning include the Principles of Variety Minimax and of incomplete knowledge.

Copyright© 1993 Principia Cybernetica - Referencing this page

F. Heylighen, C. Joslyn,

Aug 1993


Metasystem Transition Theory


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The Principle of Incomplete Knowledge

Principles of Reasoning with Uncertainty

Measures of Uncertainty


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