Jean-Marc Dewaele is Reader in French and Applied Linguistics at Birkbeck, University of London. He holds a Doctorate in Romance languages (Free University of Brussels, 1993). He has published widely on individual differences in psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic, psychological and emotional aspects of Second Language Acquisition and Multilingualism.

He is president of the European Second Language Association, member of the Executive committees of the International Association of Multilingualism and Convenor of the Research Network Multilingualism: Acquisition and Use within the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). He co-edited special issues in journals with Aneta Pavlenko, and books on bilingualism with Li Wei and Alex Housen.  He edited Focus on French as a Foreign Language in 2005. He is member of the editorial boards of the EUROSLA Yearbook, The International Journal of Multilingualism, AILA Bookseries, Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Estudios de Linguistica Aplicada and Intercultural Pragmatics. He is Reviews Editor for Sociolinguistics Studies, Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Bilingualism and Editor of the Birkbeck Studies in Applied Linguistics.




Edited volumes:

1)      Focus on French as a Foreign Language: Multidisciplinary Approaches. (2005). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

2)      Bilingualism: Basic Principles and Beyond. (with Li Wei & A. Housen) (2003) Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

3)      Opportunities and Challenges of Bilingualism (with Li Wei & A. Housen) (2002) Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

Guest editorships of Special Issues in International Journals:

1)      Special issue (2004) of the Estudios de SociolingŸ’stica 5, 1: Bilingualism and emotion (with A. Pavlenko).

2)      Special double issue (2004) of Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 25, 2/3: Languages and Emotions: A crosslinguistic perspective (with A. Pavlenko).

3)      Special issue (2004) of International Review of Applied Linguistics 42, 4: Patterns of variation in the interlanguage of advanced Second Language learners (with R. Mougeon).

4)      Special issue (2003) of the International Journal of Bilingualism 7, 3: New directions in the study of bilingual memory (with A. Pavlenko & R. Schrauf).

5)      Special issue (2002) of Acquisition et interaction en langue Žtrangre 17: L'appropriation de la variation en franais langue Žtrangre (with R. Mougeon).


Articles in refereed journals:

1)          (to appear) Why do some young learners drop Foreign Languages? A focus on learner-internal variables. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. (second author: H. Thirtle).

2)          (to appear) The use of web questionnaires in Second Language Acquisition and bilingualism research. In M. Schmid & E. Dusseldorp (eds.) Special issue of Second Language Research (first author: R. Wilson).

3)          (to appear) The effect of multilingualism/multiculturalism on personality: No gain without pain for third culture kids? International Journal of Multilingualism (second author: J.P. van Oudenhoven).

4)          (to appear) The development of apologies in the Japanese L2 of adult English native speakers. Birkbeck Studies in Applied Linguistics, 3 (first author: Seonaid Beckwith).

5)          (2008)* The emotional weight of 'I love you' in multilinguals' languages. Journal of Pragmatics, 40, 1753–1780.

6)          (2008)* The effects of trait emotional intelligence and sociobiographical variables on communicative anxiety and foreign language anxiety among adult multilinguals: A review and empirical investigation. Language Learning, 58 (4), 911-960. (second author: K. Petrides, third author: A. Furnham)

7)           (2008) Dynamic emotion concepts of L2 learners and L2 users: A Second Language Acquisition perspective. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 11 (2), 173-175.

8)          (2008)* Appropriateness in foreign language acquisition and use: Some theoretical, methodological and ethical considerations. In R. Manch—n and J. Cenoz (eds.) Doing SLA research: Theoretical, methodological, and ethical issues. Special issue of the International Review of Applied Linguistics, 46 (4), 235–255.

9)          (2007) Trilingual conversations: A window into multicompetence? The International Journal of Bilingualism, 11 (2), 221-241. (first author: M. Edwards).

10)     (2007) The effect of multilingualism, sociobiographical and situational factors on communicative anxiety and foreign language anxiety of mature language learners. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 11 (4), 391-410.

11)     (2007) Predicting language learners' grades in the L1, L2, L3 and L4: the effect of some psychological and sociocognitive variables. International Journal of Multilingualism, 4 (3), 169-197.

12)     (2007) Multilinguals' language choice for mental calculation. Intercultural Pragmatics, 4 (3), 343-376.

13)     (2006) L'effet de variables objectives et affectives sur la ma”trise orale de multilingues adultes. Etudes de Linguistique AppliquŽe, 422, 441-464.

14)     (2006) Are you bilingual? Birkbeck Studies in Applied Linguistics, 1, 1-19. (first author: Jennifer Sia).

15)     (2005)* Investigating the psychological and the emotional dimensions in instructed language learning: Obstacles and possibilities. In L. Ortega (ed.) Reconceptualizing research on L2 learning across education contexts, Special issue of The Modern Language Journal 89, 3, 367-380.

16)     (2005) Sociodemographic, psychological and politico-cultural correlates in Flemish students' attitudes toward French and English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 26, 2, 118-137.

17)     (2004)* The emotional force of swearwords and taboo words in the speech of multilinguals. Special issue of Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 25 (2-3), 204-222.

18)     (2004) Retention or omission of the 'ne' in advanced French IL: the variable effect of extralinguistic factors. In V. Regan & R. Bayley (eds.) Special issue of the Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8 (3), 433-450.

19)     (2004) Vous or tu ? Native and non-native speakers of French on a sociolinguistic tightrope. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 42 (4), 383-402.

20)     (2004) The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in French as a foreign language: An overview. In F. Myles & R. Towell (eds.), The acquisition of French as a second language. Special issue of Journal of French Language Studies, 14, 301-319.

21)     (2004) Slaying the dragon of fanaticism through enlightenment. Teaching Languages and Cultures in a Post-9/11 World: an European Perspective". For the column "Perspectives" in a Special issue of The Modern Language Journal 88, 4, 663-666. (commissioned contribution).

22)     (2004) Preface. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 42 (4), 295-301. (first author: R. Mougeon)

23)     (2004) Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (first author: A. Pavlenko).

24)     (2004) Introduction to the Special Issue. Estudios de SociolingŸ’stica 5, 1, 1-8 (second author: A. Pavlenko).

25)     (2004) Enqute sur le choix (rapportŽ) du pronom d'allocution en franais natif et non-natif. Second-Person Pronouns and Forms of Address in Contemporary European Languages. Special issue of Franco-British Studies 33/34: 46-54.

26)     (2004) Blistering Barnacles! What language do multilinguals swear in?! Estudios de SociolingŸ’stica, 5, 1, 83-106.

27)     (2003) Compte rendu – hommage : l'oeuvre de L. Selinker. Revue LINX 49, 153-159.

28)     (2003) Bilingual Episodic Memory: An Introduction. International Journal of Bilingualism, 7, 3, 221-233. (first author: B. Schrauf, second author: A. Pavlenko).

29)     (2002) Variation, chaos et systme en interlangue franaise. AILE. NumŽro spŽcial 17, 143-167.

30)     (2002) Variation in the contextuality of language: An empirical measure. In B. Edmonds & V. Akman (eds.), Context in Context. Special issue Foundations of Science 7, 3, 293-340. (first author: F. Heylighen).

31)     (2002) Three perspectives on first language acquisition. Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 17, 1, 3-11. (first author: P. Coles).

32)     (2002) The computational model of L2 acquisition and its implications for second language instruction. Revue Internationale en Sciences du Langage. Marges Linguistiques, 4, 175-187. ( (first author: R. Foth).

33)     (2002) Research on expressing emotions in multiple languages. The Bilingual Family Newsletter 19, 1, 3. (second author: A. Pavlenko).

34)     (2002) Psychological and sociodemographic correlates of communicative anxiety in L2 and L3 production. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 6, 1, 23-39.

35)     (2002) PrŽface. AILE. NumŽro spŽcial 17, 3-5. (first author: R. Mougeon).

36)     (2002) Ma”triser la norme sociolinguistique en interlangue franaise: le cas de l'omission variable de 'ne'. Journal of French Language Studies, 12, 2, 123-148. (second author: V. Regan).

37)     (2002) L'acquisition de la compŽtence sociopragmatique en langue Žtrangre. Revue Franaise de linguistique appliquŽe 7 (2), 129-143. (second author: N. Wourm).

38)     (2002) Emotion vocabulary in interlanguage. Language Learning, 52, 2, 265-324. (second author: A. Pavlenko).

39)     (2002) Applaudie et contestŽe: l'oeuvre sociolinguistique d'Otto Jespersen. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 137-138, 1-18. (second author: G. Brun).

40)     (2001) Une distinction mesurable: corpus oraux et Žcrits sur le continuum de la deixis, Journal of French Language Studies, 11, 179-199.

41)     (2001) La statistique comme instrument heuristique en linguistique. Le Langage et l'Homme. Recherches pluridisciplinaires sur le langage 36, 1, 131-142.

42)     (2001) Gender assignment and gender agreement in advanced French Interlanguage: A cross-sectional study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 4, 3, 275-297. (second author: D. VŽronique).

43)     (2000) Three years old and three first languages. Bilingual Family Newsletter, 17, 2, 4-5.

44)     (2000) Saisir l'insaisissable ? Les mesures de longueur d'ŽnoncŽs en linguistique appliquŽe, International Review of Applied Linguistics, 38, 1, 31-47.

45)      (2000) Relating gender errors to morphosyntactic and lexical systems in advanced French interlanguage. Studia Linguistica 54, 2, 212-224. (second author: Daniel VŽronique)

46)     (2000) Quantifier le style dans la conversation. Une analyse de la variation sociolinguistique, Le Langage et l'Homme. Recherches pluridisciplinaires sur le langage, 25, 4, 233-249.

47)      (2000) Personality and Speech Production: A pilot study of second language learners, Personality and Individual Differences 28, 355-365. (second author: A. Furnham).

48)     (1999) Word order variation in interrogative structures of native and non-native French, ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 123-124, 161-180.

49)     (1999) Les jeunes ne connaissent-ils plus leur langue maternelle ? Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics 13, 2, 77-84. (first author: K. Fouyer).

50)     (1999) Le dŽrglement du systme de pensŽe franais: l'angoisse secrte des puristes ? RŽponse ˆ Henriette Walter French: an accommodating language ? Current Issues in Language and Society, 6, 3 & 4, 227-230. Is it the corruption of French thought processes that purists fear ? A response to Henriette Walter. Current Issues in Language and Society, 6, 3/4, 231-234.

51)     (1999) L'effet de l'extraversion sur la production du discours de bilingues. AILE. Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Etrangre, 111-126.

52)     (1999) Extraversion: the unloved variable in applied linguistic research. Language Learning 49, 3, 509-544. (second author: A. Furnham).

53)     (1998) The effect of gender of the choice of speech style. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 119-120, 9-25.

54)     (1998) Lexical inventions: French interlanguage as L2 versus L3. Applied Linguistics, 19, 4, 471-490.

55)     (1998) La naissance des premires grammaires franaises, Cahiers de l'AFLS, 4, 1, 15-23. (first author H. Saw).

56)     (1998) La langue influence-t-elle la pensŽe? Un Žtat de la question, ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 121-122, 27-39. (first author: K. Fouyer).

57)     (1996) Variation dans la composition lexicale de styles oraux, International Review of Applied Linguistics, 34, 4, 261-282.

58)     (1996) Les phŽnomnes d'hŽsitation dans l'interlangue franaise: analyse de la variation interstylistique et interindividuelle, Rassegna Italiana da Linguistica Applicata, 28, 1, 87-103.

59)     (1995) Variation synchronique dans l'interlangue: analyse critique du Modle du CamŽlŽon de E. Tarone, ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 109-110, 1-18.

60)     (1995) L'immersion scolaire des francophones ˆ l'Žcole flamande reprŽsente-t-elle le sacrifice de la langue maternelle et de la culture franaise ? Le langage et l'homme, 30, 1, 5-14.

61)     (1995) Le dŽbit dans l'interlangue franaise: analyse de la variation interstylistique et interindividuelle, Cahiers de l'AFLS, 1, 2, 29-42.

62)     (1994) Variation synchronique des taux d'exactitude. Analyse de frŽquence des erreurs morpholexicales dans trois styles d'interlangue franaise. International Review of Applied Linguistics, 32, 4, 275-300.

63)     (1994) Variation synchronique dans l'interlangue franaise - RŽsumŽ de thse, Travaux de Linguistique - Revue internationale de linguistique franaise, 28, 209-210.

64)     (1994) A propos de moniteurs. Analyse critique des thŽories psycholinguistiques de Krashen et de Levelt-de Bot, Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 8, 2, 65-78.

65)     (1993) Extraversion et richesse lexicale dans deux styles d'interlangue franaise, ITL Review of Applied Linguistics, 100, 87-105.

66)     (1992, printed 2005) La composition lexicale de styles oraux et Žcrits, Language and Style, 25, 1, 117-138.

67)     (1992) L'omission du ne dans deux styles d'interlangue franaise, Interface. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7, 1, 3-17.

68)     (1988) A propos de la dŽcouverte du temps opŽratif par Gustave Guillaume, Travaux de Linguistique - Revue internationale de linguistique franaise, 16, 57-68.


Chapters in books

1)          (to appear 2009) The Cognitive perspective: The Age Factor. In K. Knapp & B. Seidlhofer (eds.), Handbook of Foreign Language Communication and Learning. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.

2)           (to appear 2009) The development of psycholinguistic research on crosslinguistic influence. In L. Aronin & B. Hufeisen (eds.), The Exploration of Multilingualism. Development of Research on L3, Multilingualism and Multiple Language Acquisition. Amsterdam: Benjamins (first author: G. De Angelis).

3)          (to appear 2009) Individual differences in Second Language Acquisition. In W. C. Ritchie & T. K. Bhatia (eds.), The New Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Bingley (UK): Emerald.

4)          (to appear 2009) Perception, attitude and motivation. In V. Cook & Li Wei (eds.), Language Teaching and Learning. London: Continuum.

5)          (to appear 2009) The perception of French by native speakers and advanced L2, L3 and L4 learners. In V. Regan (ed.), Language practices and identity construction by advanced L2 and L3 speakers. Berlin: Peter Lang.

6)          (to appear 2009) L'acquisition et l'usage de scripts dans les diffŽrentes langues de multilingues adultes In C. BŽal (ed.), Les enjeux de la communication interculturelle. Montpellier: Editions de l'universitŽ de Montpellier.

7)           (2008) Variation in advanced oral interlanguage: The effect of proficiency on style choice. In J. Romero (ed.), Pragmatics and Corpus linguistics. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter,  65-90.

8)           (2007) Interindividual variation in self-perceived oral communicative competence of English L2 users. In E. Alc—n Soler and M. P. Safont Jordˆ (eds.), Intercultural Language Use and Language Learning. Berlin: Springer Verlag,  141-165.

9)           (2007) Diachronic and/or synchronic variation? The acquisition of sociolinguistic competence in L2 French. In D. Ayoun (ed.) Handbook of French Applied Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins,  208-236.

10)      (2007) Context and L2 users' pragmatic development. In Z. Hua, P. Seedhouse, L. Wei, V. Cook (eds.), Language Learning and Teaching as Social Inter-Action. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 162-183.

11)      (2007) Becoming bi- or multi-lingual later in life. In P. Auer & Li Wei (eds.), Handbook of Multilingualism and Multilingual Communication. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter,  89-118.

12)     (2006) Expressing anger in multiple languages. In A. Pavlenko (ed.), Bilingual minds: Emotional experience, expression, and representation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters,  118-151.

13)     (2006) "Dites-moi tu"?! La perception de la difficultŽ du systme des pronoms d'adresse en franais. In M. Faraco (ed.), Regards croisŽs sur la classe de langue: Pratiques, mŽthodes et thŽories. Aix : Publications de l'UniversitŽ de Provence,  153-171 (second author : Ga‘lle Planchenault).

14)     (2005) The role of psycholinguistic factors in the development of fluency amongst advanced learners of French. (first author: R. Towell). In J.-M. Dewaele (ed.), Focus on French as a Foreign Language: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 210-239.

15)     (2005) The effect of type of acquisition context on perception and self-reported use of swearwords in the L2, L3, L4 and L5. In A. Housen & M. Pierrard (eds.), Investigations in Instructed Second Language Acquisition. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 531-559.

16)     (2005) Preface. In J.-M. Dewaele (ed.), Focus on French as a Foreign Language: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, vi-x.

17)     (2004) Tense/aspect, verb meaning and perception of emotional intensity by native and non-native users of English. In S. Foster-Cohen, M. Sharwood Smith, A. Sorace & M. Ota (eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook 4. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 231-252. (second author: M. Edwards).

18)     (2004) Perceived language dominance and language preference for emotional speech: The implications for attrition research. In M.S. Schmid, B. Kšpke, M. Kejser & L. Weilemar (eds.), First Language Attrition: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Methodological Issues. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, 81-104.

19)     (2004) Individual differences in the use of colloquial vocabulary: the effects of sociobiographical and psychological factors. In P. Bogaards & B. Laufer (eds.) Learning Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, Acquisition and Testing. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 127-153.

20)     (2003) Productivity and lexical diversity in native and non-native speech: A study of cross-cultural effects. In V. Cook (ed.), The effects of the second language on the first. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 120-141. (second author: A. Pavlenko)

21)     (2003) Introduction: Opportunities and challenges of bilingualism. In L. Wei, J.-M. Dewaele, & A. Housen (eds.), Opportunities and Challenges of Bilingualism. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, 1-12. (first and third authors: L. Wei & A. Housen).

22)     (2002) Using sociostylistic variants in advanced French IL: the case of nous/on. In S. Foster-Cohen, T. Ruthenberg & M.-L. Poschen (eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook 2, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 205-226.

23)     (2002) The effect of multilingualism and socio-situational factors on communicative anxiety of mature language learners. In J. Ytsma & M. Hooghiemstra (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Trilingualism. Leeuwaarden: Fryske Akademie (CD Rom).

24)     (2002) Introduction. In J.-M. Dewaele, A. Housen & L. Wei (eds.), Bilingualism: Basic Principles and Beyond. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1-9. (second and third authors: A. Housen & L. Wei).

25)     (2002) Individual differences in L2 fluency: The effect of neurobiological correlates. In V. Cook (ed.), Portraits of the L2 user. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 219-250.

26)     (2001) The use of colloquial words in advanced French interlanguage. In S. Foster-Cohen & A. Nizegorodcew (eds.), EUROSLA Yearbook 1, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 51-68. (second author: V. Regan)

27)     (2001) StŽrŽotype ˆ l'Žpreuve: le discours oral des femmes est-il plus Žmotionnel et dŽictique que celui des hommes ?. In K. Beeching, C. Bauvois & N. Armstrong (eds.), La langue franaise au fŽminin. Paris: l'Harmattan, 123-147.

28)     (2001) Interpreting the maxim of quantity: interindividual and situational variation in discourse styles of non-native speakers. In E. NŽmeth (ed.), Cognition in Language Use: Selected Papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Vol. 1. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association, 85-99.

29)     (2001) Conversations trilingues (arabe, franais, anglais) entre mre et fille: un saute-mouton rŽfŽrentiel ? In C. Charnet (ed.), Communications rŽferentielles et processus rŽferentiels, Montpellier: Publications de Praxiling-UniversitŽ Paul-ValŽry, 193-214. (second author: M. Edwards).

30)     (2001) Activation or inhibition ? The interaction of L1, L2 and L3 on the language mode continuum. In U. Jessner, B. Hufeisen & J. Cenoz (eds.), Cross-linguistic influence in third language acquisition: Psycholinguistic perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 69-89.

31)     (2000) Structures interrogatives dans le discours francais oral d'apprenants et de locuteurs natifs. In A. Englebert, M. Pierrard, L. Rosier & D. Van Raemdonck (eds.), Actes du XXIIe Congrs international de Linguistique et de Philologie romanes, vol. IX, Berlin : Niemeyer, 69-76.

32)     (2000) NŽerlandophones - Francophones: libertŽ, ŽgalitŽ, fraternitŽ ?. In Labeau, E (Žd.), France-Belgique: des frres ennemis de la langue de chez nous?, QuŽbec : Centre International de Recherche en AmŽnagement linguistique de l'UniversitŽ de Laval, 39-47.

33)     (2000) Invasion de la banalitŽ dans les manuels de franais en Flandre. In J. Eichperger (ed.), Roeland, dynamiek en talen voor de jeugd. Gent: vzw Roeland, 209-211. (first author: J. Dewaele)

34)     (1998) Speech rate variation in 2 oral styles of advanced French interlanguage. In V. Regan (ed.), Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context. Dublin: University College Academic Press, 113-123.

35)     (1996) How to measure formality of speech? A Model of Synchronic Variation. In K. Sajavaara & C. Fairweather (eds.), Approaches to second language acquisition, JyvŠskylŠ Cross-Language Studies 17, JyvŠskylŠ: University of JyvŠskylŠ, 119-133.

36)     (1996) Effet de l'intensitŽ de l'instruction formelle sur l'interlangue orale franaise de locuteurs nŽerlandophones. In F. Myles & D. Engel (eds.), Teaching Grammar: Perspectives in Higher Education, London: Middlesex University Press, 122-134.

37)     (1995) Variation dans la longueur moyenne d'ŽnoncŽs dans l'interlangue franaise. In L. Beheydt (ed.), Linguistique appliquŽe dans les annŽes '90, ABLA Papers, 16, 43-58.

38)     (1995) Style-shifting in oral interlanguage: Quantification and definition. In L. Eubank, L. Selinker & M. Sharwood Smith (eds.), The Current State of Interlanguage, Amsterdam- New York: Benjamins, 231-238.

39)     (1994) Extraversion et interlangue. In J. Pochard (ed.), Profils d'apprenants. Saint Etienne, Publications de l'UniversitŽ de Saint-Etienne, 173-187.

40)     (1994) Evaluation du texte interprŽtŽ: sur quoi se basent les interlocuteurs natifs ? In D. Blampain (ed.), Traduction et interprŽtation dans la Belgique multilingue, numŽro spŽcial META -Journal des Traducteurs-Translators' Journal 39, 1, 78-86.

41)     (1993) Variation in the morphosyntactic and lexical systems of French-based interlanguages. In B. Ketteman & W. Wieden (eds.), Current Issues in European Second Language Acquisition Research, TŸbingen: Narr, 130-140.

42)     (1993) Les pauses dans deux styles oraux d'interlangue franaise. In A. Crochetire, J.C. Boulanger, C. Ouellon (eds.), Actes du XVe Congrs International des Linguistes, QuŽbec, UniversitŽ Laval, 9-14 aout 1992. Sainte-Foy : PU Laval.