Links on Indexes and Encyclopedias
The following lists of resources will help you to find information on about any subject over the Internet.
One Look Dictionaries: search through some 50 web dictionaries at once, a most useful service!
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- Hypertext interface into
Webster's Dictionary
- Hypertext interface into the
Hackers' Dictionary
Technical and English Dictionaries at CERN
- Extensive
Dictionary of Computing terms
Dictionary of Cell Biology
Glossary of Mathematical Programming
- an extensive
list of on-line dictionaries (mostly translating, also more general)
WordNet is a lexical reference system containing some 100,000 English words, organized as a semantic network, with link types (including synonym, antonym, ISA, and HAS_PART) between words
Encyclopedia Britannica Online (pay service)
Encarta Online: search in an abridged version of Microsoft's encyclopedia
- a free electronic version of the
Concise Columbia Encyclopedia (3rd ed.)
- The
Interpedia project wants to build an encyclopedia distributed over the Internet (newsgroup comp.infosystems.interpedia); (seems defunct)
Global Encyclopedia, another volunteer attempt (seems defunct)
(Spider's Web) References
Net Guide Reference Shelf, with links to all kinds of lists, dictionaries, calendars, etc.
Usenet FAQs
Acronym search: find what all those abbreviations stand for
Keyword Search Engines
The following search engines will allow you to find the relevant documents among the millions of documents available on the Web.
Search Mailing Lists and Newsgroups
Searchable Catalogs of Bookshops
Here you can find the bibliographic data, and sometimes descriptions, of books being sold over the Internet. Some of the catalogs are really huge and can be searched by author, topic or title words, e.g. for all books about "cybernetics" and "systems".
Other Literature Search
CARL UnCover: search a database containing millions of published papers in thousands of academic journals covering all disciplines. Selected papers can be faxed to you for a fee.
HYTELNET Libraries: telnet connections to all library catalogs on the Internet
Copyright© 1998 Principia Cybernetica -
Referencing this page
F. Heylighen,
Feb 27, 1998 (modified) Mar 14, 1996 (created)