Links on Future Development
Futurology, Future Studies
Foundation for the Future, created to study the long term evolution of humanity, towards the year 3000
Joël de Rosnay's "Crossroads to the future" page including a list of future-oriented web sites
Connect with the Future: extensive lists of future-oriented sites
Futures web sites: another list
Sasha Chislenko's home page with a list of Great Thinkers and Visionaries, and articles on future developments
- the
Club of Rome , the famous international think tank reflecting on our global future
OECD Futures Programme
A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age: Cyberspace and the American dream, a
"free market" view of the net, based on ideas from Toffler, Gilder, Dyson and others.
- Essay on "
Cyberocracy" by D. Ronfeldt
- John McCarthy's views on
Progress and its Sustainability
- Robert Anton Wilson's
Trajectories, the Journal of Futurism & Heresy
FutureWeb: Future Studies program at University of Houston, provides a Futures Resources Index
- the
Swedish Institute for Futures Studies
- the
Millennium Project: a United Nations University think tank for global and long-range forecasting; check the results of its global lookout panel.
- another
Millennium Project, this time run by the UK Open University, with a very comprehensive series of forecasts for the 21st century, produced by high level discussions involving different organizations
- the
World Future Society and its journal " Futures Research Quarterly"
Greater Boston Chapter of the World Future Society with many links on future-related web documents
- the
Worldwatch institute
Resources for Futures Research
Plausible Futures : a future oriented resource center with hundreds of links
Brain Food: Jay Hanson's extensive collection of texts about the Earth's limited carrying capacity and the dire effects implied by the tragedy of the commons
- the
library of the Future Institute website
Developing the Human Potential
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Referencing this page
F. Heylighen,
Jan 26, 1999 (modified) Mar 14, 1996 (created)