A short presentation of the Einstein meets Magritte material
The following papers are likely to be included respectively in the 8 volumes of the Proceedings of the "Einstein meets Magritte" conference, to be published by Kluwer.
1. The Book 'Einstein meets Magritte'
In this book each 'invited speaker' is now invited to write one chapter:
- 1. Introduction: Einstein meets Magritte.
- 2. Ilya Prigogine: The end of Certitudes
- 3. Barbara Hernnstein-Smith: The Microdynamics of Incommensurability
- 4. John Ziman: Basically, It's Purely Academic
- 5. Rom Harre: Special Relativity as a Grammar,
- 6. Francisco Varela: Brain and Consciousness: The Hard Problems
- 7. William Calvin: What Creativity in Science and Art tell us about how the Brain must work.
- 8. Adolf Grunbaum: The Hermeneutic versus the Scientific Conception of Psychoanalysis,
- 9. Robert Edwards: Human Conception in Today's Society,
- 10. Chris Langton: Technology, Nature, and the Future of Life,
- 11. Zygmunt Bauman: Postmodern Adventures of Immortality,
- 12. Bas Van Fraassen: The Scientific Image and the Manifest Image,
- 13. Linda Schele: Cosmos in Ancient Maya Symbolism,
- 14. Robert Pirsig: Subjects, Objects, Data and Values,
- 15. Ricardo Petrella: Limits to Competition,
- 16. Julian Jaynes: Consciousness and the Voices of the Mind,
- 17. Diederik Aerts: Quantum Mechanics and the Nature of Reality,
- 18. Brain Arthur: Human Reasoning and the end of Certitutes in Economics,
- 19. Constantin Piron: Quanta and Relativity: Two Failed Revolutions.
- 20. Heinz Von Foerster: Ceci n'est pas Albert Einstein.
2. The Red Book : Science and Art
The contributed speakers to the red stream are invited to write their contribution:
- 1. D.Galarreta: A future for theatre: democracy
- 2. D.H.Mc Neil: What's wrong with this picture? Toward a systemological philosophy of science with practice
- 3. Jan Bernheim: Quantity and quality of life, the scientific and the relativistic approach
- 4. B.R.Bowers: Einstein meets the Bloomsbury artists
- 5. S.Fumihiko: Some aspects of the debate on scientific tradition in Japan
- 6. F. Halper: Construals: perceptual occlusion in the work of René Magritte
- 7. I.Janouse: The crossroads and links between art and technology / The role of museums
- 8. Patrick Baert: Art and the understanding the social world
- 9. Ross Feller: Musical anticommunication: the composition of complexity and the complexity of composition
- 10. Piotr Kawiecki: A reflection in a broken mirror
- 11. E.Giannetto: Heidegger, the questions of physics, art and technics
- 12. Kurt W.Back: Field theory in physics, psychology and art
- 13. B.Mosselmans: Similarity or difference: the case for interdisciplinarity in natural sciences, social sciences and art and aesthetics
- 14. Daniël Lechner: Science, art and edification
- 15. Steven Finke: Art and the boundaries of consciousness
- 16. Ana England: An artist encounters science: dialogue and personal translations
- 17. Ranjit Nair: Einstein meets Tagore: a dialogue of worldviews and cultures
- 18. Russell C.Ford: Intervals and intimacy: on Magritte's disclosure of the space of experience
- 19. Gyötgy Darvas: Symmetry - A concept and phenomenon linking arts and sciences
- 20. Gunnar Andersén: Communico, ergo sum
- 21. Xiaoyun Sun: An important dialogue between Jin and Szeto about art and philosophy
- 22. M.Demeuldre: Different levels of change in aesthetical relation to the world
- 23. Peter Hiett: Goethe as the meeting place of 'Einstein' and 'Magritte'
- 24. A.M.Barbé: Two formulas and the diversity of complex patterns that they generate
- 25. D. Piggins: The art and science of impossible figures
- 26. F.Van Rysbergen: Doubles and doppelgangers: Magritte meets cyberspace
- 27. A.Harris Stone: Albert dances with René in New Haven
- 28. Barbara Saunders: Models of colour
- 29. Ch.Carne: Ceci n'est pas un ordinateur: what Magritte can tell us about technology
- 30. Ben Pryor: Magritte and the mystery of modernity
- 31. David DeMaris: Dynamic symbolism, chaos, and perception
- 32. Diederik Aerts: From Pytagorean to tempered: mathematical symmetries leading to new harmonies
- 33. Rainer P.Born: The Muse in the machinery of virtual worlds: aspects of integrating science, art and common sense
- 34. Sandra Braman: Art in the information economy
- 35. Eddy Shanken: Technology and intuition: a love story? Roy Ascott's Telematic Embrace
- 36. T.Ramanovs: Modern science and modern art - the parallels of style
- 37. Ladislav Kvasz: A comparison of the structure of the epistemic subjects used by Einstein and Magritte
- 38. I.Antoniou: Paradox - Transcendence - Extension - Synthesis in science, art, philosophy
- 39. Milan Kunz: What we see or what we know: artists and mathematicians
- 40. Arto Siitonen: Chess as a mirror of artistic, scientific and philosophical creativity
- 41. William Dixon: Economics: subjectivity and the separation of science and art
- 42. Miranda Edurardo Reck: Music composition using cellular automaton
- 43. Tom Chapin: The social, economic, and spiritual function of simplicity and complexity in sculpture and architecture
- 44. Lars Christian Smith: The art and science of change
- 45. Johan Lauwereyns: Knowledge acquisition in poetry criticism: the expert's eye movements as an information tool
3. The Orange Book: University and Society - Social and Cultural Studies of the Sciences.
- 1. G.R.Wegmarshaus: Considering science a cultural phenomenon: a challenge to "Kulturwissenschaften" at Viadrina University
- 2. Helle Martinson: Society, research organisation and science in newly independent Estonia
- 3. E.Z.Mirskaya: Big system change and people's mentality: Russian case
- 4. A.H.Jasinski: Science and technology in transition: the Polish case
- 5. Steliana Sandu: Convergence of Western and Eastern R-D systems in transition
- 6. Anca Dachin: Concentration of basic research mainly in universities - a unique pattern for Romania?
- 7. A.Ambrogi: Science philosophy and society
- 8. Nina Issakova: Small innovation firma in transition economy
- 9. T.Larionova: Money incomes of Russian scientists: the survey
- 10. V.Khoreva: Changes in the social sphere in Russia
- 11. D. Aerts: Research and education: how we organise for the future
- 12. H.Castanos-Lomnitz: Mac meets Phllip II: The changing technological discourse in Mexico
- 13. I.Mikeshin: Science and society: a view from the East in transition
- 14. Wu Shuyao: Inovating consciousness in research organisation: sponsering subjects actively
- 15. B.Gal-Or: Beyond contemporary academic teaching
- 16. T.Petrova: Technical university and humanistic dimension of society
- 17. V.B.Kolmananovskii: Modern control theory and learning process
- 18. Ina Dagyte: Science of science in the system of university education
- 19. Francis P.Crawley: Science, democracy, and the liberal arts: a POSTSCRIPT on the European university's curriculum
- 20. Douglas S.Daniels: Mea culpa: formal education and the DIS-integrated world
- 21. Patrick Baert: Critical realism, the social and the natural sciences
- 22. John Douard: Perspectival unity: an international health policy project
- 23. J.L.Van Belle: Wallerstein's world-system analysis and Taylor's communitarianism. An attempt to re-establish universal values
- 24. William E.Herfel: On cognitive and social dimensions of science: constructivism and nonlinear dynamics
- 25. An Vranckx: Narratives of "evolution", "systems" and "complexity" - Semantic interpretations of realities and representation
- 26. S.D'Hertefelt: The social practice of studying science (and technology)
- 27. Sharon Fuller: Control, contempt, contestation, collaboration: the anorexic body and a rescripting of psychiatry
- 28. A.Gatensby: NO means Nitric Oxide: an interpretive approach to understanding biological research
- 29. Ben Cullen: Cultural virus theory: a new vision of the nature of artefacts, technology and knowledge
- 30. C. Vlaicu: Social aspects of science and technology transfer
4. The Yellow Book : Worldviews and the Problem of Synthesis.
- 1. J.V.Dzhulay: How is it possible to overcome relativism? Some models of answers in transcendental tradition
- 2. G.Van Vinckenroy: Sciences and humanism in today's world
- 3. Steven Knight: The answers of humanism to the neoliberal advance
- 4. Ben-Dov Yoav: Science and the human: complementary as reconciliation
- 5. T.Koizumi: Synthesizing the four ideals of humanity
- 6. H.Knyazeva: The synergetic worldview and its synthetic value
- 7. John Mingers: Synthesising constructivism and critical realism: towards a pluralist philosophy
- 8. F.Elders: A methodology of worldviews
- 9. S.Sanatani: Metaphysics and physics
- 10. Minai Asghar T.: Aesthetics: the encompassing worldview
- 11. Walter Dejonghe: Kornalijn Blue: A unifying insight exploring the structure of reality, the foundations of creativity, design and product development
- 12. H.H.von Borzeszkowski : Not even classical mechanics is mechanistic
- 13. Will McWhinney: Realizing worldviews
- 14. Jef Barrett: Oracles, aesthetics, and Baysian consensus
- 15. P.Barbetta: The paradox of the "narrative structure", in search of a metaphoric model
- 16. V.Kuznetsov: Conditions and features of unity concepts in science
- 17. Marc Tassoul: Sense in the making, an illustrated talk
- 18. Frank Dochy: Science and art : analogies and homologies
- 19. S.Hartmann: The Future of an Illusion: Einstein's Vision Revisited
- 20. J.L.Elohim: Unperfected but perfectible ways for dealing with the relative unity of my real concerns
- 21. D. Aerts: The biomousa: a new view of discovery and creation
- 22. Almira Karabeg: Modeling - a way towards integration
- 23. Herman L.P.Siebens: United colors of beton
- 24. Wim Mielants: Can the best of all possible worlds be a randomstructure?
- 25. T.V.Artemieva: Between physics and metaphysics. Natural philosophy in Russia
- 26. H.Eijzenga: The echoes of grammar
- 27. J.Van der Veken: Toward an integrated view on the whole of reality, introducing the worldview project
- 28. Ivanov Oleg: Comprehensive approach as a basis for integrating scientific knowledge
- 29. Hugh Clapin: Scientific realism and transcendental idealism: Kant and mental representation
- 30. I.Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.: Science fiction, cultural theory, and fantastic modeling
- 31. Rennie Stuart: What is a 'scientific image' anyway?
- 32. Ph.L.Peterson: Beyond Einstein, Magritte and Quine
- 33. M.A.Boudourides: Global value of chaos in sciences?
- 34. L.Ropolyi: The science and the world view of crisis
- 35. Dino Karabeg: A polyscopic study of basic cultural patterns
- 36. Dino Karabeg: Towards a polyscopic model of the human
- 37. F.Goetghebeur: Buddhism as a part of global comprehension of reality
- 38. J.Deklerck: The cycle of integration and disintegration applied to Western Society
- 39. Stanislav Mayev: Modern Philosophical ideas as a way to agreement between various ideologies and religions
- 40. W.Callebaut: Evolutionary panacea?
- 41. F.Campos: Towards a virtual rationality
- 42. D. Maetens: Reflections on self-referential theory-design in sociology
- 43. A.J. Hirst: Lets we forget our inheritence
- 44. E. Bouratinos: An interdisciplinary science of consciousness: reasons, principles, tasks
5. The Green Book: Life and Death - Man and Nature - A World in Transition.
- 1. Michat Tempczyk: Creative thinking and brain dynamics
- 2. J.T.Cullen: What is life?A critique of autopoiesis in the light of non-developmental apoptosis
- 3. J.Kelemen: Grammatically on life and rationality
- 4. M.Anderson: Still-life-moving-death
- 5. Arnold De Loof: Communication: the key to defining "life", "death" and the force driving evolution
- 6. James Cusumano: Genesis to ???----The role of catalysts in creating our future
- 7. F.Elders: Life and death are each other's friends
- 8. Leonce Bekemans: Paradigma shift in economics and society
- 9. Hans Verstraeten: The media and the transformation of the public sphere
- 10. M.B.Marques: Confronting health transition complexity
- 11. D. Aerts: The biomousa: implications for social, economic and political changes
- 12. Borisz Szanto: Barriers of human evolution
- 13. Jarva Vuokko: Carelian female studies challenge Western male science
- 14. F.O'Reilly: Rural development knowledge : indigenous, necessary, appropriate
- 15. Rui B.Marques: Europe-Japan technological partnership in the pacific century
- 16. Jan Fenema: And you, my mountain, will you never walk towards me?
- 17. Dimitri Spivak: Altered states of society : a tentative approach
- 18. M.Goussakov: An innovational line of post-modern industrial society
- 19. Bh.Sudipto: Bargaining and knowledge sharing
- 20. Anatoly A.Chumak: Chernobyl disaster as a problem of synthesis
- 21. Willy Weyns: Strength and weakness (SWOT) analysis of the potentialities of humankind to overcome the ecological challenge
- 22. K.M.Kaiser: Hunger strikes: the dramaturgy of biopolitics
- 23. H.T.R.Mark: The predicament of ecological-economic valuation and the need for linkage through an institutional framework
- 24. A.I.Pougatcheva: The system of technology transfer in the post-communist countries: reforming or self-organization?
- 25. N.Repenning: The information super highway: The atom bomb of the 90ies?
- 26. M.A.Anees: Science--Searching for the soul?
- 27. Cz.Mesjasz: Stability, turbulence, chaos? Systems analogies and metaphors, and change in contemporary world politics
- 28. Paul Smith: Essays system regarding global integration
- 29. Hu Bicheng: New type of moral relation between man and nature
- 30. C.Filippino: Dialectic nature of heart
- 31. Zikai Yun: New views of science: the conversation between modern people and nature
- 32. Peng Fuyang: On philosophical aspects of alienation of science and technology
- 33. N.Kacergiene: The relation indices of children with acute respiratory diseases to solar activity and meteorological factors
- 34. R.Vernickaite: The relation of certain homeostatic indices to environmental factors in pregnant women
- 35. Ph.L.Peterson: Non-natural cultural universals exist
- 36. J.Rosicka: Scarcity versus fertility. Two discourses of economics
- 37. M.Braeunig: Science and peace - A Western Buddhist perspective
- 38. J.Kelemen: On an interplay between life and rationality
- 39. D. Siefkes: Turing meets Thoreau: an ecological approach to computer science
- 40. Rob Fenton: Supra-human Institutions and the Human Condition
- 41. D. Tamas: The birth of the global bio-social system, a self-regulating individuum
6. The Blue Book : Meta Debates.
- 1. Adam Grobler: Relativities and relativism
- 2. Dan Nesher: Which side Spinoza would have taken between Einstein and Bohr
- 3. Lars Lofgren: Meta-linguistic views of quantum mechanics
- 4. Don Fawkes: Einstein, ethics and action
- 5. E.Bouratinos: A new conceptual ethos: going beyond the inadequacies of present scientific thinking
- 6. C.Capel-Boute: Necessity of a new paradigm in experimental research taking into account space and time
- 7. Jixuan Hu: Eigen-Mechanism: An Explanatory Principle and An Artful Exemplar
- 8. Burton Voorhees: Reason and formal reason
- 9. Kotina Svetlana: Aestetic aspect of the Einstein's "cosmological religious sense"
- 10. Diederick Raven: Knowledge by Being in Touch (On Constructivism, Realism and Manipulative Capabilities)
- 11. D. Aerts and S. Aerts: Interactive statistics: the application of quantum probability in social sciences
- 12. I.Antoniou: Probabilistic extension of dynamics of chaotic systems and intrinsic irreversibility
- 13. M.Suarez: How theories save phenomena. A case against "embedding"
- 14. S.Langenberg: What about the modernistic concept of consiousness?
- 15. G.Cornelis: Cosmology and proliferation
- 16. D.Lambert: The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in Biology
- 17. H.Fisher: The Self and its Relation to the Logical Space of Hypotheses
- 18. James Wilk: An Introduction to Metamorphology: Mind, Nature and the Emerging Science of Change
- 19. Dick Hoekzema: Time symmetric quantum cosmology
- 20. J.Gutierrez: A Journey Through Qualitative Social Analysis and the Object of Social Theory
- 21. Bob Coecke: Early Greec thought and new perspectives in quantum mechanics: outlines of an approach
- 22. Marek Bielecki: The 'Two Cultures' or One: the Case of Cognitive Science
- 23. R.Espejo: Social Accounting: A Grounding of the Informational Domain in the Operational Domain of an Organisation
- 24. A.G.Butkovskiy: Nature and Human World from Control Point of View
- 25. Soren Brier: Cyber-Semiotics: a new second order non-mechanistic framework for interdisciplinary science?
- 26. Maarten Königs: Interface of words and numbers
- 27. J.Huntington: Totality Theory: The Relativistic Logic of the System Constrained by Itself
- 28. Chen Wenhua: Statistical analysis of the cycle - fluctuating and transform phenomenon of science, technology and economy
- 29. L.H.Kauffman: Virtual Logic
- 30. V.Durov: Liquid Systems Supramolecular Organization: Self-Ensemblies, Molecular Design And Information
- 31. A.J.C.Wright: A systems model of stress in individuals, groups and societies
- 32. G.V.Kanigin: The problem of the computer metaphor of the poll
- 33. Th.Landscheidt: The Golden Section: A principle of Structural Development in Man and the Solar System
- 34. A.M.De Lange: Computer Assisted Creative Teaching and Learning
- 35. A.M.Adam: Was Einstein a philosopher? Deduction Vs. Induction, the End of Certitude and Conventionalism
- 36. O.K.Safonenko: Biomedical application of magnetic fluid as a specific interdisciplinary problem
- 37. Tom Macnamara: Complex rationality: a new and simple way of comprehending contradiction and paradox?
- 38. P.J.Lewi: Extraction of latent variables from tabulated data as a paradigm for instrumental knowledge acquisition
- 39. J.de Gerlache: Magritte meets Einstein: Encouter on the Road to the paradigm of Irreducibility
- 40. X.de Hemptinne: The source of irreversibility
- 41. E.Hemmerlin: From quantal to material level
- 42. Plotinsky Arkady: Landscapes of Sybylline Strangeness: Quantum Measurement Against Classical Physics
- 43. Z.Oziewicz: Nonlinear dynamics: alternatives for Hamilton's and Lagrange's approaches
- 44. Erik Engdahl: Dedogmatisation of theories in social sciences & psychology
- 45. G.Hunter: Soliton-waves vs. the particle paradigm: the elementary nature of the physical world
- 46. Nair Ranjit: Einstein-Bell locality fails in all interpretations of quantum mechanics
- 47. Vladimir S. Ratnikov: Nonlinearity, rationality and new ways of the representation of reality
- 48. M. Peschl: Neural representations and symbols. Epistemological issues and implications for the process of science
- 49. D.A.B. Dekoven: So called 'mathematical structures' do not exist
- 50. M. Borneas: Physics and unity
- 51. M.C. Dupre: Let's try and pair contradictory pairs
- 52. H. R. Farkas: Tetralectics - an approach to the postmodern logic
7. The Indigo Book: Quantum Mechanics and the Nature of Reality.
- 1. P.Mittelstaedt: Language and Reality in Quantum Physics
- 2. E.Beltrametti: The lost heaven of determinis
- 3. Steven Weinstein: Subject and object in quantum mechanics and general relativity
- 4. Thomas Durt: Three ways to strangeness
- 5. Nicolas Gisin: Quantum cryptography: how to make use of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for secure communications
- 6. E.Giannetto: Quantum truth, non-separability and reality
- 7. D. Aerts and B. Coecke: Hidden measurements: an alternative approach to quantum mechanics
- 8. I.Antoniou: Extension of the conventional quantum theory and logic for large systems
- 9. David Foulis: A half century of quantum logic. What have we learned?
- 10. Stanley Gudder: Sharp and unsharp measurement in quantum mechanics
- 11. D. Aerts: An attempt to explain the sucess of quantum mechanics
- 12. V.Belavkin: Quantum causality and nondemolition principle or dynamical solution to the quantum measurement problem
- 13. J.Pykacz: Non-classical logics, non-classical sets and non-classical physics
- 14. F.Valckenborgh: Closure structure and the decomposition of state space
- 15. Bob Coecke: Representation of a spin one and the description of joint systems in quantum mechanics
- 16. S.Bugajski: Fuzzy probability theory: a place where Einstein meets Magritte?
- 17. Sven Aerts: Quantum, classical and intermediate: the conditional probability and the epsilon-model
- 18. R.Greechie: Pictures for quantum logics
- 19. Stanley Gudder: Refutations and conjectures in effect algebra
- 20. Laszo Szabo: Does quantum theory save free will?
- 21. Holger Lyre: Multiple quantization and the concept of information
- 22. M.L.Dalla Chiara: Quantum logical semantics, historical truhts and interpretations of art
- 23. A.Dvurecenskij: Tensor products of difference posets
- 24. S.Pulmannova: Quantum logics and Hilbert space
- 25. Mirko Navara: New algebraic tools for quantum logics
- 26. Erik Verriest: Quantum logic in system identification
- 27. G. A. Nistico: Foundational problems of quantum mechanics
- 1. F.Heylighen: From the Big Bang to the information society: principles underlying the growth of complexity during evolution
- 2. D.M.Keirsey: Involution: on the structure and process of existence
- 3. Charles Henry: Branching: the biological basis of symbol formation
- 4. A.Mansueto: Dialectic, systems and organization. The philosophical implications of the new science
- 5. Robert Pallbo: Representations as we know them
- 6. Cliff Joslyn: Dimensional and cardinal variety in systems
- 7. B.Edmonds: What is complexity? - The philosophy of complexity per se with application to some examples in evolution
- 8. B.C.E.Scott: Forgetting in self-organising systems
- 9. G.Nagarjuna: Invertibility and autopoiesis
- 10. Dino Karabeg: Polyscopic modelling
- 11. Robert Glueck : Metacomputation of language hierarchies
- 12. G.S.Percivall: Application of complexity theories to evolutionary system development
- 13. R.L.Coren: A Simple Mathematical Theory of Evolution showing that Taxonomic Complexity is a Logistic Variable
- 14. B.Codenotti: Chaos in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, Similarities and Dissimilarities
- 15. S.Norvaisas: Is variety inevitable?
- 16. G.J.Batista: Diversity and Complexity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
- 17. N.Vandewalle: Physical Models of Biological Evolution
- 18. Y.Toquenaga: Stepping up Trophic levels with Self-Repairing Genetic Algorithm
- 19. Anton Markos: The Gaia theory: Role of microorganisms in a planetary information network
- 20. Bertin Martens: The introduction of complexity: towards a new paradigm in economics
- 21. Johan Bollen: Algorithms for the evolution and development of knowledge networks that use common semantics
- 22. Ben Cullen: Cultural virus theory
- 23. Hans-Cees Speel: Memetics, the way a new worldview can act as an overall-language
- 24. Karl Diller: The evolution of complexity in the evolution of language: grammaticalization, pidgin
- languages, and language acquisition
- 25. Felix Geyer: The challenge of sociocybernetics
- 26. Ron Cottam: Humble Unification Theory. Partial Comprehension in a Quasi-Particulate Universe
- 27. Garcia Andres: Use of Complex adaptive systems in Organizational studies