Links on Computer Interfaces and the Web
- Information about
-Computer Interaction, including Hypertext and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Hyper-G gateway to the Human-Computer Interaction Bibliography project with lots of papers and books
UK Virtual Reality Special Interest Group
Virtual Worlds archive
- Stanford's
Project on People, Computers, and Design, headed by Terry Winograd
- Carnegie Mellon University's
"Oz project" on generating virtual drama with real and computer-generated agents
Towards an Astrophysical Cyberspace:The Evolution of User Interfaces (hypertext paper)
Paramind and Para-literature
The Similarities Engine: recommends similar records based on your musical selection
Knowledge media: a rich collection of links on media to convey knowledge in a form so that they can be used to augment intelligence, including Information Retrieval, Design Patterns, Agoric Systems, Hypermedia, AI, etc.
General Computing Methodologies
Copyright© 1998 Principia Cybernetica -
Referencing this page
F. Heylighen, & C. Joslyn,
May 8, 1998 (modified) Mar 14, 1996 (created)