Parent Node(s):
an object or sequence of operations created by man
to assist in achieving some goal. A technology is a body of
human knowledge that can be passed along from one place to
another and from one generation to the next. Examples of
technologies are: a bow and arrow; a birth control pill; a
nuclear reactor; a legislature; and a planning, programming,
budgeting system of accounting.
The body of knowledge about, and the systematic study of, methods, techniques and hardware applied in the adaptation of the physical environment to man's needs and wants. The application of scientific knowledge to build or improve the infrastructure of agriculture, industry government and daily life. (Technology must not be confused with the very infrastructure it generates). Technology has autocatalytic properties. It favors the use of technical devices and processes even in solving social problems, e.g., by using fertilizers to enhance agricultural production rather than a different form of work organization, by using computers for national planning rather than decentralized decision making processes. (Krippendorff)
The systematic knowledge and the methods and procedures which can be used in a specific area in order to resolve practical problems. In some languages, e.g. French, Spanish, and German, this is clearly distinguished from technic" ("technique", "tecnica", "Technik") which is the practical skill to use knowledge, methods, and procedures in a particular case in order to resolve a specific practical problem. (Hornung)
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/TECHNOLOGY.html